Susan McGill,
SNP Councillor, Stirling North Ward
During my time as a Councillor:
I have instigated work on an expansion of music education within each primary school
Stirling Council commenced free Sanitary Provision in schools within Stirling area in advance of funding from Scottish Government.
All children are taught CPR in schools.
I have presented a Motion to Council seeking to assist refugees
To allow blended learning within schools, Stirling Council is providing Chromebooks to every child from primary 6 to 6th year in Stirling schools, and are looking to extend this to children in primary 5
I chair the Member/Officer/Partner group which has introduced the Holiday Fun Clubs (Holiday Hunger) which targets children most vulnerable to food insecurity.
We have increased the school clothing grant from £40 per child to £130 per child.
I brought a Motion to Council to stopped fees for instrumental music tuition for those children in receipt of Free School Meals.
I have encouraged the introduced the Ready for Work Programme, where young people who are disengaged from academic schooling are offered a bespoke timetable.
I have begun a review of breakfast club provision across Stirling area to ensure those most in need do not go to school hungry
Many areas of work have been interrupted due to the restrictions we have been subjected to as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.